Here follows some of the work of

 __         __
{{{{\     /}}}}    Sue Mitchell
 {{::\ V /::}}     sue at
 {:.;/ 0 \;.:}    "My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies"
  ~~       ~~                                              - B.H.M.

Sue does this ascii art, you see....  All one has to do is make some
comment in umra that catches her imagination, as it might be:

"cor blimey and knock me down with a feather"

Stunned Weevil


and suddenly, there is the image to go with the words.  It happens
quite often:

                         >\  \
                          >\ |

                                        Weevil Rampant

        (( \___/0< ))

Rocking with laughter

Well-Wishing Weevil

        ^|^^|^\|^ _
         |  U  |-'      _____
        |#######|    >0/_____\
        |#######|       X X X

Anarchist Weevil

      __                       V )
     (  )      _            __| |___
    (    )>===|@|==========/________\
     (__)               __|__________|___

                              . .  ~l
                               \| _(#)_

        "( # is the Curculionidae rune for 'BOMB' )"

explained Sue, helpfully.

After which she asked:

"As you're the eighth Chris, didn't you consider being an arachnid?"
                            />/   \<\
                            / \_~_/ \

(Well, no, because at that point there hadn't been a Chris-count, it was
just noticable that there were rather a lot of Chrises in umra)

One or four might have a signature which appealed to Sue, as in the case of
Aardvark, Anteater, Millipede & Giraffe:

                                               _________ ______
        , , ____                           ___/         V      '\
        \/ /     \                        / v           |\       \
     __/@\/       \                      /_@/-\  /  \   | ~~~~\  |
    '---\_  /__\  /=='         ,,       //     \ |---\_ |      ~~
          \|    \/              Oo=    |/       \|     \|


                       _/0 |
                         |@ /\_
                         | # \#\_____/|
                         |/\_/ /#\_/#\|
                         |\@  #__| @ //
                         | /_@/  |/\#|
                         |#/      \@ |_
                         ||        \# /
                         ||         |/
                        (@)         ||
                         ||         ||
                         ||         ||
                         ||         ||
                         ||         ||

or just say something at random:

"That's a French duck."   (A canard, actually.)

        |     |    _
        |%%%%%|  =(@)
              \____| ___, |
                      | |

or even put in some sort of direct request:

"I am Impressed. Do you do dragons, too?"

      __          _/\       ,________
     (  )      _/@  |      /\      _(
    (    )===='--/  |     / |\   _(
     (__)     ^^^\  \    /  | \_(
              ___/   \__/   |_(
            ((----/     __  <
             ''   \    /     \_
                   \  /        \_
                    \_|     \    \_       _, vvv
                       \__   |__   \_   _/ _/^^^\\
                      ____> /   \_   \_/ _/  <-, \|
   _________________((-----'_____ \_____/ ____ \_/  ___________

Dragon - Mark I

This is probably not the end....


>Tue     When the cat's away.
The hippopot-army await her return...
      _   _      _   _       _   _       _   _        _   _
     (@)_(@)    (@)_(@)     (O)_(O)     (@)_(@)      (0)_(0)    
~   {#}~{#} ~~ {#}~{#} ~~~ {0}~{0}~~~  {#}~{#} ~~ ~~{%}~{%}  ~~~    ~~
  ~~  ~   ~      ~   ~       ~   ~       ~   ~  ~     ~   ~       ~~~~
~~~    ~~~~~~  ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~  ~~~  ~~~~    ~~  ~~~~~    ~~~~   ~~~~
 ~~  ~~~~   ~~~    ~~ ~~ ~~  ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~        ~~~~~ ~~ ~~  ~~~


Regarding fences...

|         |   @     |         |@        |  @      |


Congratulations! I hope you will both be very happy :)

                    (@) \| (@)
                   (@)\ (@)/_ (@)
                   _\ (@)|/ (@)
                     \_\ |()_/_
                       _\| /_ 
                       \ -- /
                        |  |
                       /    \   
Very best wishes for your future together,
Sue - Yes, Weevil, I can take a hint ;)

>Anne, quaffing a glass of champagne in Geneva, so this had better be the
>Last Post of the evening..(Sue, can you do tiddly giggles?)
                              __/   \     _____
                             /           /     \
                                ___     /
                              ><(@)>*     ___*
                                '''/  || <(@)><
                                      ||  '''
                                    (0 \|
                                *     \_0)    
                                 \\.       _,

Er, no :(  Well, tiddly maybe ;)

             sibling <----------------> sibling <---------------> sibling
                |                          |                         |
                |                          |                         |
                |                          |                         |
                |                          |                         |
              child_ <---1st cousins--->  child_                   child
                | |\                       |  |\                     |
                |   \                      |    \                    |
                |   1st cousins once       |     \                   |
                |              removed     |      \                  |
                |                      \   |      1st cousins        |
                |                      _\| |          \              |
          grandchild_<--2nd cousins--> grandchild    twice       gr.child
                   |\                      |             \           |
                     \                     |            removed      |
                     2nd. cousins once     |                   \     |
                           removed         |                    \    |
                                 _\|       |                    _\|  |
                                great-grandchild <3rd cousins>

(Min Lacey)
>as we passed through Scunthorpe I commented to the driver about the
>dreadful palls of smoke.  He said it was normal pollution - I was
You should have seen it when the four Princesses were working :(((
The old A18 from Grimsby came out of the woods at the top of a low rise,
giving a panoramic view over Scunny.  There used to be one enormous pall
of pink vapour hanging over the town, like it was confined under the
skin of a big blister.  Not a place I fancied visiting, never mind
living in :(((      ____________________________
             ______/ , ' ; . ' , ; ' . : " , '  \______
       _____/ ' , ; " . ' . " : ' . : , '.  " ; ', . : \________
______/ " : , .  :  '  #~  '#~ ' : #~  '  #~ '  : ' " ; . ', : "\_______

(Re Big Sticks with Nails In Them)
                       \  __/
                       _\/  \---
                        ( ^ o}__
                      --{^'. )
                      __(,   )--
                       --\ ^/\
                         /||  \
                          ()       This do?

>...start to do ASCII pictures of sheep in your spare time...
Mark I
            ,;~~~~;@_*\        \\
           {{;;,.;,}}         /* ;
             \|~~~||          '",.'~~~~;,
             ^^   ^^            {{;;.,;;}}
                                 ^^   ^^


>Spot on that firedrake!  Have a gorilla!
          |@ @ ',.
          \ " / ::':
         _/--- :  ::::
        /  \    \   \:::
        |  /\    \  | ::::
        | |  '   |  |   :::
         -    \_ --;   | :::
       /  |     / ,'  /  :::
       \  |    / /\_ /   / \
        | |   | |   /   /   \
        | |   \\\\ |   < \- <
        | |    ^^^ /   /  \  \
       / /,       /  _/    \  \
      ^^^^       /  /     ^^^^

